Christmas Songs for 2016 1. I saw Daddy Kissing Santa Claus 2. I Wanna Adopt an Endangered Hippopotamus for Christmas 3. We Three Democratically-Elected Kings 4. Baby It's Not That Cold Outside (Thanks, Global Warming!) 5. Frosty the Snowperson 6. It's a Gluten-Free Marshmallow World 7. I'm Dreaming of an Ethnically-Diverse Christmas 8. The Nut-Free Cracker 9. You're a Mean One, Mr. Trump 10. Christmas Island: Is Under Water (Thanks, Global Warming!) 11. Oh Sustainably-Harvested Christmas Tree 12. I No Longer Wonder as I Wander (Thanks, GPS!) song: The Christmas Song • artist: Nat King Cole
Someday my grandchildren will ask my children (probably for an elementary-school project) what were some of the holiday traditions they had when they were kids. Did you play special music or eat special foods? And my kids will say, "Well, your grandmother used to obsessively call the local radio station trying to register for the giant stocking giveaway. Sometimes she would make us try and call in at the same time on the other cell phone." #callernumberthreeagaindammit!!@#$#%@@#**%$ song: Tradition • musical: Fiddler on the Roof
One great thing about having kids is that you can rummage around in the back of your mini van and usually come up with some snacks.
Mini Reese's Peanut Butter Cups!
Two of them!
N told me that some of his friends have elf on the shelves that "do funny things."
Great. Now there's elf on the shelf peer pressue.
"What kind of funny things?" I asked.
"Like they pull all the toilet paper off the roll. Or they dump the trash on the floor."
"That doesn't sound funny. That sounds bad.
Bad Dobby! Bad Dobby!
song; Whats So Funny 'Bout Peace Love and Understanding? • artist: elvis costello
So much of Christmas is about figuring out what your kids need and then making them wait until December 25 to get it.