Sunday, November 16, 2008

My Ride's Here

H ran around the living room this morning. He jumped off the couch. He jumped over his little brothers like they were hurdles on a track. He ran from the playroom to the living room and back again numerous times. He was driving me nutty and it was only 10:30. After flu shots for everyone (is there anything more fun than taking four kids to a flu shot clinic?), we went to my new most favorite place in the whole town, the not-yet-finished bike path extension. As soon as we got onto the path H announced he wanted to sit on the front of the stroller and ride.
No ride for you my friend. No ride for you.

song: My Ride's Here • artist: Bruce Springsteen

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Got a chance to walk on the new bike path this weekend, boy I wished they'd have had that when we were kids. We walked from the silver lounge south for a bit. I can't wait to get my bike out there next spring.
