Saturday, April 04, 2015

D is for Driving Distractions

This might be true for moms of girls as well but four kids means I have a large car - a mini van if you must know - and driving it around can be a challenge. I haven't successfully parallel parked in seven years.
Perhaps you think it's the elderly drivers that we need to watch out for - or those inexperienced newbie teenage drivers. 
It's neither. 
I'm here to tell you that it's the crazed mom behind the wheel of the mini-van that you need to look out for. When you see a mini van on the road you should steer clear of it if you value your life. You have no idea what's going on in there. Crying babies, arguing preschoolers, yogurts being spilled, CDs being fought over, library books being pitched into the "way back," and multiple requests to play "I spy," are all being juggled by some sleep-deprived parent who most likely can't remember where they are going. 


  1. Hilarious! And so true!

  2. Actually, I quite agree with you. When I'm driving with my kids, it's a whole different game.

  3. Good to know I'm not the only one!

  4. Anonymous9:42 PM

    OMG too funny! I remember those days.

  5. Anonymous9:44 PM

    Too funny! My kids are teenagers now. I don't know how I survived this?

  6. At least I have my satellite radio!

  7. I once ran a red light when my niece yelled, "Bee!" Because she still had curlers in her hair, when the policeman came to my window she hid in the back. This seriously jeopardized my story. I'll keep an eye out for you!

  8. I have two boys and drive a mini-van. This is so true.
