Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Y is for Yell

Think you'll be the kind of parent who doesn't yell?

Think again.

Read my A-to-Z posts to see if you have what it takes to be the parent of four boys.
Find out more about the A-to-Z Challenge here.


  1. A parent who doesn't yell slices the baloney a little too thick. lol

    Visiting from A to Z.

  2. I can't imagine being the parent of 4 boys....though I am the parent of multiple dogs...and yes I yell!! :-)
    Thanks for stopping by my blog this evening.

  3. 4 Boys?!!!! I would imagine you'd have to yell just to get their attention.
    I have 3 girls and a boy and it did get loud at times. I tried not to yell but how else can you call them infor dinner?

  4. I'm glad I have just one son! LOL

    I have custody of him, but thankfully he's so good. I'm truly blessed.

    --Mee (The Chinese Quest)
