Friday, July 06, 2007


Ken and C are going to Highfield Theater tonight with my mother to see The Music Man. Since we have the soundtrack, I’ve been playing it for C before bed, in place of his usual bedtime CD: Guys and Dolls.
After listening all week, yesterday he asked me why the play had a song in it that used “bathroom talk.”
“What song has bathroom talk in it?” I asked.
“You know, they say ‘Sha Poopie’.”
“Oh no, they’re saying, ‘shaboopie,’ honey. She’s ‘the girl who’s hard to get’.”
At least he didn’t ask me what “hard to get,” meant.
This morning I brought the CD downstairs so we could listen in the living room and I looked at the song list and you know, it is bathroom talk! The song is Shipoopi, which is close enough to bathroom talk for any four-year old. And you thought The Music Man was good clean family entertainment. I’d have a little talk about it with Mr. Meredith Willson but unfortunately he died in 1984.

song: Shipoopi musical: The Music Man

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