Thursday, February 14, 2013

All You Need is Love

Fourteen things I love (besides my family, my friends & my cat - duh!)

1.  a cup of tea
2. my garden
3. watermelon
4. diners
5. books
6. lilacs
7. thrift shops
8. laundry hanging from clothes lines
9. the subway
10. lucky rocks
11. black felt-tipped markers with fine points
12. hats
13. living in New England
14. lower case sans serif fonts

song: All You Need is Love • artist: The Beatles


Winnie said...

Fun list! I had tea at a local teashop today for Valentine's Day with hubby. It is called Chat Noir and done with black cat and Paris motif. i could live there if they kept feeding me and serving me tea!

Larissa T. said...

Oh I like this list! :D

Thanks for linking up!